Monday, July 30, 2007

Day 24 sorry I have not posted all weekend. After the week we had last week we did nothing all weekend. Sat. we slept in, BBQ in the backyard and watched a movie. It was just what we all needed. Sun we went to Bass Pro Shop, bought the final color paint for both of our unfinished rooms, Chris and Ali H. came over and hung out, and Matt came over last night. Bass Pro shop is amazing. It is like an amusment park, they have everything and anything you could think of in that store. If you have a free day I would recommend checking it out because words can't describe it. We chose a blue for our tv room and we are getting a cool bass picture to hang above the fireplace, we are going for a man den feel. Chris, Ali, Zoe, and Tommy came over and swam and ate dinner, it is always fun to catch up with them. Last Matt came over at about 10pm and played video games with Shawn after telling us about his trip to Tennessee and going to a place called Dolly's dixie roundup. Woke up this morning with Matt's company, he had fallen asleep on the couch. I always told Shawn that I wanted a comfy house where people felt so at home they could fall asleep. Matt proves that we have succeded at this. For some reason my computer is not letting me start a new paragraph so I am sorry if this is one big run on. _________________I weighed in this morning at 195.4 I am at 20.8 pounds. I got stuck for a few days back at 19.5 but not we are back in action. I have tough days but I seem to be getting better. I not have a bite of something if I really want to. Yesterday Chris and Ali brought over brownie bites, I did have 1/2 of one. It was really good but I did not need 4-5 of them to know they are yummy. Well I am off to do all my daily household duties. Have a great day.

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