Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Dec. 12, 2007
I did really good yesterday. I am back to my strict lean protein, eggs, string cheese, and yogurt for a few days to get my body back to not living off of carbs. I feel a little tired and worn out but I know it will pass.
I fired my kiln for the first time yesterday and all is good. I actually am going to fire it again today with some stuff in it. Yeah I love having a home studio. My professor actually checked in to make sure I had it up and running correctly.
I weighed in this morning at 153.6 so a few more pounds down from yesterday. It is a good modivator for me to go strict and see some weight come off again. It is hard but worth it. I am so close to my goal I can taste it. 21 pounds to go.
Have a good day,

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