Monday, July 7, 2008

here we go again

July 7, 2008
I took a long break from blogging and took the time to refigure some things out. I got back into an old mindset that let me think that 1000's of calories a day wouldn't catch up with me. So I am on a new mission to lose these damn pounds and this time they are not going on vacation just to return back to their native land, this time they are moving out! My extra pounds have been given an eviction notice to vacate the current property. They are causing damage, heart ache, finacial loss in all the clothes I have and cannot wear, basically thay have got to go!
So I am restarting 100% with everything I have got today. None of this diet on weekdays and not on weekends. I have given it alot of thought, research, time, and effort and have decided my attack plan. I am going to be doing 1000-1200 calories a day, low fat 20 grams max, and no processed carbs, I can only have carbs from fruits, veggies, and protein. Basically, no sugar or flour.
So here is the worst news of all.
I took a little vacation from dieting and went nuts, I ate my ass off. Ok so not off or I wouldn't be here. Basically I got back into old habits like Pepsi, a bowl of cereal every night after dinner as a snack, fast food, and alot of Junk food.
I weighed in this morning at 185.4, I hate to even write that number. Makes me sad but here I am starting new and not looking at I gained back I am just looking at it as I am starting from 185.4. There it is the true number.
he good part is we had a last whoopla yesterday. Cody's birthday is on Thur. and instead of being good on his birthday dinner we went out yesterday. We had Rainforest Cafe and frozen cheesecake for dessert. Which means 2 things, 1 I am totally bloated and full of terrible foods, and 2 the scale moves fast at the start.

Can't wait to weigh in tomorrow.

1 comment:

Jeanne B. said...

You can do it Ali...I know you can!!! I'm rooting for you and praying for your success. :O) You're also helping to encourage me as I get refocused. Best of luck sis!!!