Tuesday, July 22, 2008

July 22, 2008
Yesterday was one of the worst days ever. The day went well, the kids swam, we recouperated from our trip. Then the evening came and AHHHH. Shawn gets a phone call from his parents to say that their motorhome had died on the way home from the same fishing trip we were on, they sold the motor home to some guy stuffed all their belongings in with my brother in law and started their drive home, then I go to school to find out t was cancelled, on my way home Shawn calls to tell me that Garrett is screaming in pain because his stomach hurts, I rush home and deal with him, while all of that is going on Shawn gets a phone call to tell us that the brother in laws rescue vehicle got a flat tire in the middle of no where. We are making phone calls to find a spare while garrett is throwing up. Finally we find out that they got a spare so that was done. Garrett ate like 1/2 of a bag of hot cheetos and got really sick so we are calling the family friend who is a nurse to see what we should be doing. He is lathargic and drifting in and out of sleep to throw up. Finallt he goes to bad and stopped throwing up at like midnight, we get a call to tell us that our family is almost home at the same time. Finally we can go to bed at about 12:30.
or so I thought, 2am I wake up to all the lights in the house on. My first thought was garrett, no he is ound asleep, Pj has turned every light including closet lights on and is sitting outside of his bedroom playing. He will not go back to sleep. We finally went and layed on the couch and watched cartoons until 6:30 when he fell back to sleep. I went back to bed and slept until 11am. He woke up about the same time. Lets breath. So finally everyone is up rested and feeling better this afternoon.
What a night. Hopefully everyone get some much needed rest today and everythign returns to normal.

1 comment:

Jeanne B. said...

Wow Ali. I'm sorry to hear what a horrific sort of day/night you all had. That's so sad about the motorhome too. I must say I did like your farewell email, we'll have to add to that later. And poor Garrett; we feel so helpless when our kids are sick, don't we? Hopefully it's just the Cheetos like you think and it won't make it's way through your family but just a heads up, mom told Randy that they won't be at Concerts in the Park tonight because of the motor home issues AND because Dad has a bad stomach flu. Well sis, we'll just keep praying through these tougher times. Hang in there and thanks for your encouragement yesterday...I really needed it. Hope your week gets better.