Monday, August 11, 2008

Aug. 11, 2008
Garrett is gone to camp. We dropped him off yesterday and he will return on Friday. He was a little tearful when we left but I am sure he will be fine. Cody is a little out of sorts and doesn't know what to do with himself. Pj keeps walking around saying "I miss Buddy".
Cody starts soccer tonight so he is thrilled. I am not sure if I told you but Shawn is the coach and I am the team mom. Should be a fun and busy season. We will be hitting you all up for cookie dough sales soon:).
I was planning on starting dieting again today but I don't go shopping again until Friday and there is no diet friendly food int he house. I am still drinking diet and not going to crazy. So next Monday is the plan. The kids are all back home and life will start to slow down again before school. I hate summer break for dieting, life just throws you to many curve balls to plan well.
So today it is getting ready for our parent meeting and cleaning the house up from our busy weekend.
Have a good monday,

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