Monday, January 7, 2008

January 7, 2008
Good Morning and Monday to everyone. Today marks my life as going back to normal. The kids are off to school, I am home with Pj getting the house ready for the week. I go back to school tomorrow. I am actually looking forward to going back to school. I am going to be taking ceramics, Photography, and another art history.
So I am taking a new turn in the diet adventure. I am having a really hard time getting back on my diet for a few reasons. I am actually happy with my weight right now I still want to lose a little more but when you are really unhappy like I used to be it makes it easier to eat eggs all day long. I am now looking to start losing a little slower but doing it in a manner which will be life long. I am going to eat fruits, veggies, all the stuff you actually need. Shawn has decided to start a diet as well. He really likes the weight watchers points. We are going to do the points diet but I am still going to monitor my carbs but not as low as I was going. Mainly I am still going to do alot like what I was doing but in a healthier manner. On the points diet I am looking at losing about 2 pounds a week. If I do it for a few weeks and don't see a lose I may go back to the old diet but for now I am going to switch it up a little. I just would really like to be to my goal weight by this summer so 30 pounds in 6 months seems like nothing.
Well off to get ready for the week. I will not post tomorrow. I have to be at school at 8am and don't have to take my laptop for any classes. I will try to post tomorrow night but if not I am for sure back on Wed.

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