Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Nov. 7, 2007
What a day I had yesterday. I got my midterm back and I got a C. Yuck. I have some ideas of what I did wrong but still feel lost in the class. As long as I get a c or better for my final grade in the class I am fine. I also turned in some drawings for my drawing class and I got another A so I have an A in the class. Yeah.
i am feeling like a failure of a Mom today. Cody gave me a paper like a month ago for a project we are supposed to do. I put it on top if the fridge and forget about it. it was due on Monday and I forgot. It makes my heart hurt because I let him down. Now we have 2 days to do the whole thing before hos grade is affected. I will be working my butt off to help him get it done. What an ass I feel like.
I weighed in this morning at 162.0 I love when the scale moves. I am 1/2 a pound away from 55 pounds lost. To put my weight loss into perspective I like to compare it to something I can see and feel. Cody weighs 54 pounds. If you think about it I have lost an entire Cody. Where was I storing all of that? Goodness it seems huge when you look at it like that.

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