Monday, June 29, 2009

I'm back!!!

I am officially a college graduate. Whoo hoo. It feels strange, we are back from vacation and I am not sure what to do with myself. I typically go on the internet in the morning and spent the afternoon reading or working on homework. Yesterday it started to set in but today it just feels strange. I am like a person with no mission. I do have plans to homeschool the boys over the summer and get my graduate application finished for school. It isn't that I have nothing to do, it is more that I haven't had a school break in years and it just feels wierd.
So my graduation went fabulously. We made it with min. to spare and the ceremony was long and boring like we expected.
We also went to or annual family beach trip last week. It was a much needed break from life. We love to see who is going to show up on a day to day basis. We spend our days playing mahjong, reading, chit chatting, swimming and enjoying the sand, and relaxing. It was wonderful. We did have to come home a day early because Cody got the flu but he was a trooper and we didn't leave until late at night, so all we really missed was getting up and cleaning up with the family. The beach was beautiful and we didn't have any random bees. We did have a crazy man who liked fire a feew doors down but that was about it in that dept.
I didn't follow a diet at all while I was away. I am not weighing myself for a few days but I know I gained. I am 99% sure I will be switching to weight watchers on the 1st. My low carb diet was intended to help me lose a bunch of weight before graduation and I did. The low carb lifestyle is very hard to live on long term and as soon as you eat a carb you gain. I will be shopping on the 1st and getting our house ww friendly.
Well here are a few beach and graduation pics, enjoy.

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