Wednesday, June 10, 2009

I have finished two of my finals and I have two to go. I am so ready to be done. I have 11 days until I am a college graduate. Whoo hoo.

I am stressed to the limit and I am now planning a b-day party and it is starting to set in that we leave on vacation in 10 days. AHHHHH. J/k. I am actually doing really well I think it because I know tthere is a light at the end of the tunnel. I was able to finish two classes yesterday so my stress has dropped to "I'm good"

So I have to admit that I cheated on Sunday night. We had a babysitter for the kids so we went out to dinner. We did so well and ordered a caesar salad to share, it was yummy and we didn't cheat. After dinner they brought the dessert tray over and we decided to splurge. Well dessert went to going to a second resteraunt to get my favorite peach drink. Lets just say my instincts went out the window. Good news is I got right back on. Better news is I felt terrible on Monday. Why is this good? I don't want to cheat if I feel like that. I had a tummy ache and headache all day. I also gained 2 lbs. I have been superior ffor the past 2 days and I weighed in at 178.2 this morning.

Yesterday I was getting ready for school and I had no pants that fit. I pulled out a pair of capri's that haven't fit in over a year and they slid right on. I have dropped 2 clothing sizes. Awesome.

Alright well I am off to get ready for a party this weekend and it is the boys llast day of school.

Have a good day, I also attached a pic of my finished table.


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