Friday, February 29, 2008

Feb. 29, 2008
Well the drama in our house continues.
Garrett got sent home from school on Wed. and yesterday they called again to let us know he had a fever and needed to go home. As soon as he gets home he is fine. Garrett finally broke down this morning and told us that he is being teased at school during lunch and when he gets back to class he gets a tummy ache. No kidding I would to. He is also still sad about the death of his friend. I jus tthink he needs some time off. Today he is staying home with me. Please pray for him.
Next my verdigo still has not gone away. I don't think I have talked about it in awhile. I don't have it all the time just off and on through the day. It always happens when I bend over or sit and lean a little like when I am working on the wheel in ceramics. I have funny black bracelets I wear that are supposed to help and they do a little but still it is driving me crazy. So please pray for me.
Cody and Pj are totally fine.
Shawn is having just really crazy long days at work with lots to do. So please pray for him as well.
it just seems like we can't keep up with out own lives right now. We need a day to breath.
I chose not to weigh in today. I would rather not get down about my weight right now so no weight loss update today.
We have a fun weekend planned. I am meeting with my good friends Tiana and Danielle tomorrow for breakfast. We are also going to Bass pro shop tomorrow with some family members. Sun we are going to try a new church. We have been looking for a home church since we moved here without to much success. We are going to make a huge effort to find a place to go. Our life seems to be under attach right now and the only way to get relief is giving it all to
Mr. J.C. so last prayer please let us find a home church and feel like it is where we need to be.
As I read back today it looks like I have done a prayer on paper. Well just getting it out makes me feel better.

1 comment:

Jeanne B. said...

Hey Ali. Sounds like there's a lot going on in your home at the moment. We'll definitely be praying for you all. Poor Garrett especially. Can I please beat up the kids that are teasing him? Okay, not really, but that bothers my heart so much. I'll be praying for your health and Shawn's work load as well. And yes, for a great church too! Hang in ya guys!