Thursday, September 18, 2008

Sept 18, 2008
It is strange how weight can change you whole image of yourself. I went to get dressed for back to school last night and my pants are tight. It changed my whole evening. I went from being happy go lucky mom to feeling depressed and sad that I have let myself go again. Then to top it off I watched the biggest loser and made me feel all impowered to change. I wike up this morning with a new attitude. My clothes don't fit, I don't likt the way I look or feel so instead of complaing or feeling bad I am going to change it.
Now the hard part, sticking with it.
I am going to do a really intense 1st week. I want to get the headaches and tired part out of the way before i go back to school next week.
One of my goals was to be at my goal weight by my college graduation day. Well I graduate on June 20th, 2009 9 months from tomorrow. I better get my butt in gear.
Off to go buy diet soda, alot of diet soda.

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